Saturday, July 30, 2016

Tips for the #BEST.YEAR.EVER and Giveaway from The Creative Classroom

Can you believe that it is already time for another school year to begin? It can be a time of great excitement with a little bit of chaos and overwhelming feelings, no matter how many years you have been teaching. Well, I'm here to help you jumpstart this new school year with some helpful tips and a fun giveaway to make this the #BEST.YEAR.EVER!

Enter The Creative Classroom's #BEST.YEAR.EVER Giveaway to win $10 TPT Gift Card, $10 Shopping Spree to The Creative Classroom, and a product of your choice from my store. The giveaway runs between now and ends on Monday, August 1st, 2016. Check out the Rafflecopter below to enter for your chance to win!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
Stay tuned for even more ways to make this the #BEST.YEAR.EVER in the coming days! :)


  1. Prepare prepare prepare!!! Make connections with parents early in the year! This will set the tone for a great year! Thanks for the giveaway :)

    1. I LOVE the tip to make connections with parents early in the year! This can definitely make things so much easier during the year! :)

      Thank you for sharing, Amy!

  2. What are your tips for having the #BEST.YEAR.EVER?
    Breathe. Don't try to do EVERYTHING you wanted to do at the end of last year. Just pick the one or two things that were MOST important to you!

    1. Yes! That is the best way to keep yourself from being overwhelmed! One of my teacher friends once told me, "You can do anything, but not everything!"

      Thank you for sharing, Samuel! :)

  3. Being consistent from the beginning and have great communication with parents!

    1. Absolutely! Those are two essential keys to success! :)

      Thank you for sharing, Heather! :)

  4. Prepare and plan. Teach routines and expectation from the start of the new school year.

    1. Such awesome advice!

      Thank you for sharing, Mia! :)

  5. Be flexible. Be prepared. Invest in getting to know your students. Be honest with them and teach them responsibility.

    1. I love the fact that you mentioned getting to know your students. This is such an important factor in gaining students' trust and getting them motivated to be successful in your classroom.

      Thank you for sharing! :)

  6. I loved your tips! My biggest tip is to be prepared. Think of things that you can do ahead of time. I like to prepare birthday bags for the whole year, etc. Anything that you finish early just saves you so much time! Thanks for the giveaway. :)

    1. This is such a great suggestion. Being prepared before the school year begins can help alleviate stress and feelings of being overwhelmed during the school year!

      Thank you for sharing! :)

  7. Prepare and plan, but know that things don't always go as planned. Be ready to change it up! I'm a high school teacher, and some of the lessons and procedures that have worked for one class fail miserable in another. When you work really hard on preparing, it's hard to let go, but flexibility is key!!

    1. Being flexible and realizing when changes are necessary are absolutely a key to a successful year. I know just how hard it is to let go of something that has worked in the past, but doesn't click with a new group of students.

      Thank you for sharing! :)

  8. Plans and prepare as much as you can! Also, it's okay to ask for help!

    1. I love that you included that it's okay to ask for help! Sometimes all it takes is a little collaboration or talking to a colleague to help you figure out your next steps or what you may be missing.

      Thank you for sharing, Mary! :)

  9. Prepare! Plan! I am the worst about waiting until the last minute. My goal is to have each week prepared a week ahead of time.
